Chapter 27: Edge World

Edge World has recently finished its technological advancements and is not yet prepared to move forward.

But a setback for the civilisation of theater arts that had come after.

The margin world has not yet verified the growth and infiltration of theatrical arts civilisation.

They made the decision to defend their race against the rise of theater culture.

Nearly every sight in the visible world started to pay attention to the moves of the two big civilizations after hearing this omnipresent and almighty voice.

One, the ninth-ranked theatrical arts civilization has consistently received honors in the list of high-dimensional civilizations with the strongest scientific and technological prowess.

The marginal world civilization, which came in second and was placed eighth, outperformed the singing civilization due to their race's exceptional adaptability and technology that could bypass high-dimensional talents to inflict a dimension-reducing blow.

Right now, the two civilizations are phys
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