Chapter 7: Is It From God?

A few years later, the image reappeared.

Three-dimensional civilization has long since passed.

However, they are uniquely able to withstand natural disasters quickly, causing a large boom in technology.

Trikomunika's technology exploded, leaving nothing behind!

They began to construct a massive warship.

They develop high-tech weapons that are much larger than conventional bombs.

Even technology can receive signals from other planets.

Humans in the three-dimensional realm became concerned and anxious after witnessing this development.

Isn't that bright star the Earth?

Is it true that the Earth is a part of their universe?

Is it because of this earth's presence that the coordination of the human planet began to be detected, and is this one of the Trikomunika civilization's targets?

They are, however, one of the three-dimensional monitors tasked with monitoring this video. He has no desire to welcome Earth as an enemy after receiving clear information that it is a beautiful place.

Finally, he began responding to messages from Earth.

Then a voice started to ring.

Monitor 1366 from the Trikomunika world despises war. So. He communicated with Earth.

Don't respond! Don't respond! Don't respond!

However, they did not understand what the monitor was saying and were thus captured by the Tricommunic civilization.

The sound fades out.

In the video, a three-dimensional observer who is anti-war begins to be captured by three dimensions and disappears.

Three-dimensional started looking at the Earth.

Humans in the Trikomunika universe noticed a strange atmosphere almost immediately.

Their coordinates began to be revealed as they sent random signals.

It turns out that there are still people who value peace.

"Let's just try not to respond to that message," Akira Kago suggested.

"I understand. What do you mean?" Lily San inquired.

"Right now, we are in Earth civilization, which is the same as Trikomunika civilization. Yes, because the Trikomunika civilization has locked the civilization that sent the message and the coordinates." added Lili San.

"But to the universe, we're just humans," Lily San explained.

"Why is it such a coincidence?" Yuta Watanabe wondered.

"The name is also life; there is a time when we live in a temporary nature and a time when we return to where we came from." Uchiha Madara stated.

"But that's not the case. Doesn't God want to give good people a chance?" Lord Krishna wondered.

"Since ancient times, the person with super strength has survived to the end," said King Adam.

"Will three-dimensional problems reappear to threaten human civilization? You could say that planet is where humans currently live."

"Who do you think is stronger, the Three Dimensions or humans?" Erika Sakura asked.

"I think it's a three-dimensional civilization. Of course, if you look closely, three-dimensional civilization is already on the list, and human civilization is just a civilization."

"Did you know that video continues to play?"

Yes, the video is still playing!

The Trikomunika monitor had vanished after a long time.

After nine hundred thousand years in three dimensions.

The head of state began to order a surprise meeting with the Trikomunika world.

A three-dimensional fleet set sail twenty-five thousand years ago. Their goal is now only the direction of the earth, with no idea how far they must travel. However, with a target of thousands of light hours and the other end of the galaxy as a witness, the vast ocean that stretches there is now a witness. This could be a goal that gives rise to certainty.

The unexpected meeting was officially held in a massive structure.

Lui San chose this location in order to confuse the participants.

The video is now moving towards Trikomunika's interior room.

The video is now moving towards Trikomunika's interior room.

The bitterness era is not over. The sun had just risen in the sky, and I'm not sure when it began to fade. Because the weather was extremely cold, participants were advised to dress warmly when entering the room.

A large metal began to swing gracefully, then began to influence the cold air that had seeped into the room. Outside, the sun began to cast its long rays over the entire civilization, moving in different directions.

The head of state began to walk onto the massive structure in front of everyone's eyes. He began to make a noise as a signal that the meeting was about to begin.

"I just turned off one of the sounds in that massive structure, and it's slowly fading away."

"What is this?" one of his subordinates inquired.

"Of course, we all know that the sound indicates that we require God. This means that now that God is aware of what we are doing, he will bless us, especially when the Trikomunika civilization awakens."

Everyone began to consider the significance of the voice. The voice began to ring again, and someone inquired, "Was there anything in return for a message or call from Earth?"

The president smiled and nodded his head. "That's correct, because I remember the report I received half a three-dimensional time ago that was the answer to another planet's message."

"What's the rush?" It was just over 100,000 hours before the message was broadcast, which means..."

"Wait a minute, Earth's civilization is only about 50,000 light years away from ours."

"From what I understand, there is a star very close to our civilization, right?"

"That is correct. I believe this is because God has blessed the Trikomunika civilization."

It started to spread everywhere, but not everything was known at the time.

Emre was well aware that allowing an emotion to persist could lead to serious consequences. "I've also asked the Trikomunika fleet to sail to this star so we can see how capable we are of reaching it." And we believe that this should not be delayed any longer," Emre tried to reassure the assistant Head of State.

"Is there anything I said earlier that you didn't understand?"

"A moment," Science Harden said. "Of course, we all know the message from Earth, particularly in terms of its civilization's history. However, there are some facts to be aware of:

Humans spent hundreds of thousands of years on Earth in the past, from the nomadic era to the agricultural age. It would only take a few thousand years on Earth to transition from the agricultural to the industrial eras. Continuing on from the industrial age to the chemical age, which only takes about 150 earth years, we are now in the information age.

This civilization has such a powerful ability to accelerate evolution!

If, in the world of Trikomunika, none of the 150 civilizations that have existed, one of which is ours, have developed at this rate. Advances in science and technology are frequently responsible for civilization's ability to move so quickly.

Essentially, all technological eras have a very long time to develop."

The president also took the time to say: "In fact, the Trikomunika Fleet first appeared on the planet Earth's system around 5 million hours ago. So the level of technology has already surpassed the ability to make rapid advances!"

"After a long journey, the fleet must now pass through two interstellar dust fields, and we may have difficulty reaching the solar system. And the rest might vanish on another trip. And when fleet reaches civilization on Earth, it may encounter difficulties."

"Do we have to die here? Oh my goodness, it's only an expedition!"

Suddenly, everything fell silent, and the residents of Trikomunika were forced to remain silent and think.

"If that's the case, perhaps the Head of State doesn't need to ask us like this..." began one of the military assistants.

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