Interlude 6 - Pursuit

Humans immerse themselves in illusions, but who dares to break through such sweet dreams and pursue reality?

- Wow, look at this artefact, guys.

- Let me see, let me see.

- So cool!

The next day, Maric's group visited the cluster of pyramids in Giza. To avoid the tour buses flocking in and causing an influx of tourists to roam around. Thus, the poor soul who returned to the hotel late after the stand-up comedy show was sleep-deprived, against her gang whose energy and enthusiasm were over the roof.

Waking up as soon as six in the morning to have an indulgent breakfast and catch the earliest bus, they reached the foot of the most colossal one, the Great Pyramid of Giza at eight-thirty. They shared money to book a guide for the entire visit, and the man in summer clothing and a hat was already there, waving at them.

The pyramid visit was expected to last half an hour. Because there were few people in the tunnels, the occasional breeze that traver
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