Another is possessed!

Turning his gaze immediately to the door, he met Mr. Chaney making his way into the Library. Tipping his chin, he made a gesture to the door which his friends quickly followed.

"Here he is". Frank said in a hushed tone. "So here is the plan, I walk up to him, you all follow suit and then leave the library as fast as you can, except you guys intend to give a different explanations contrary to the one I'm about to give". Frank said, quickly standing up without waiting to hear their replies.

Seeing Frank trudge toward Mr.Chaney, they took the signal to leave immediately. Muttering quick greetings to the man, they slipped away from the library.

"What's wrong Frank?". Mr. Chaney asked the young boy who blocked his path with a worried countenance.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Chaney". Frank greeted, intentionally tensing his countenance."I found this, here take it". Frank raised his hand to hand over the scroll to the man.

"What is this?"Frowning, the man took away the scrolling from his hands and
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