Finding Glenda

As everyone was reeling from the shock of the exploded bodies and trying to wipe off some of the fluids from their body, Lance got up hastily and then barked at the female healer to tell him where Glenda was kept.

"Where is Glenda?! Tell me now!" he demanded, his voice filled with urgency and fear.

The female healer sighed and then stood. "She's at a safe place, trust me, Lance".

With gritted teeth, Lance replied to her, "Show me!".

"Follow me". She said while Lance followed her gingerly.

As Lance and the female healer arrived at the door, they unlocked it with a key and stepped inside. The room was one of the medical storage rooms where students' potions and herbs were kept in glass jars neatly stored on shelves.

The air in the room smelled of strong herbal concoctions, creating a dense mist effect that engulfed everything within the room. The shelves were lined up against the walls from floor to ceiling, filled with clear bottles of colors that had labels with handwritten inscript
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