34 Blood Ability Class

Time passed in a flash and a bell rang in the hallway to indicate the end of the lesson. Some students seemed to have formed groups while others like Milas kept to themselves. Milas was about to use the bracelet to point him to the next class when he saw Aileen walking towards the door with a small green arrow floating above her left wrist.

The design of her bracelet was a purple tiger with sky blue stripes. Milas had noticed that everyone had a unique design ranging from creatures to weapons, armours and even items. There were also people who still had the plain black design but no one seemed to know or care what it meant. Milas knew that he'd find out eventually and decided to follow Aileen to the next class.

"What the heck do you think you're doing you pervert?" Aileen said in a strained whisper like she could barely stop herself from screaming. She was staring holes into Milas who had his hand on her shoulder.

"I'm accompanying you to the next class. Remember that I haven't acted
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