36 A Lost Memory

The large brown eyes looked deep into his soul like they were searching for any speck of evil that Milas had in there. It was a weird moment for Milas who wasn't used to maintaining eye contact with others, well except for the cute female servant back at the mansion. The difference was that he was the one toying with her emotions but this girl was just staring at him like his face was a map to lead her back home. It was uncomfortable to say the least.

"Well I don't really want to trouble you." The girl said in a meek voice. The amount of vulnerability that she showed him made it impossible for Milas to just walk away. There was something inside him that just refused to let him leave no matter how much his mind tried to convince him to move.

"Don't worry about it, you can tell me anything. I don't want to see you crying when I know that I could've helped. If I can't help I'll be happy to give you a shoulder to cry on." Milas was surprised by how gentle he sounded. This was not the same
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