Special One

The tension has sparkled to tall heights within the hearts of Percival and Agnos, the son of the undying witch. Together, they sought to know what Daella had in the dark with the red king.

"We should find out what it is they are discussing." Percival said as soon as he had pulled Agnos to his side, away from Brienne the beauty.

But that did not stop the tavern girl from scooping her ears onto the most quiet air around her, just in case their secret words would escape in her direction.

"This is our chance to succeed in this quest. If we find a way to know his plans from here, it may save us the journey of a thousand miles." It was true what Percival perceived. Zathryon may be helping them by his being in that place. What if he would spill his evil ambitions against the king's army in that one meeting? Then the prince and the general, with the rest of their men might be able to return with their lives.

"You believe that the princess is a part of his plans?" Agnos murmured, still bewild
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