Chapter 108

“Well, this is rather tedious – and distressing, I might add,” Caldwell told him. “Given the time we noted seeing the soldiers outside Le Carbet, which is just ahead, I’m all but certain they should have reached this particular point on the road at least a half hour ago if they were on the same schedule.”

“A varied timetable?” James suggested.

“I suppose something like that would only make sense,” Caldwell conceded, “unless they were delayed for some unknown reason.”

James held his palms up. “Well, then what should we...”

“SHHHH! Quiet! Lower yourself down and stay still! Something is coming!” Caldwell rasped, cutting him short.

The second lieutenant quickly complied and did his best to listen to the approaching sounds which were just now becoming audible to him.

As if in answer to their question, voices were heard echoing in the distance off to their right. Though they were still too far away to make out anything being said, it sounded like a series of shouts or calls being relayed
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