The Academy of Sciences

"Eh? When did this happen?"

"There's quite a bit of work for you to do tomorrow, the hassle of running around." Whitney said.

"It might not have worked with anyone else, but Pierre, I'm ninety percent sure of that. Pierre would have wanted Bailey to die of natural causes, and any possible homicide would have given him suspicion. With the election coming up, there was no room for a taint. Besides, the man really loved Lamar Conway Wan, otherwise he wouldn't have gone out of his way to seek revenge on Andres, who was so much more powerful than him for so many years, and there wasn't an ounce of good that could come from going against Andres." He paused and looked up at Lucio and said

Whitney paused and returned, "It's too late, so don't go back today, stay at my house later."

Heavy buildings, pavilions and pavilions, there are the white walls of Jiangnan hanging down lattice windows, and there are also the majestic halls with high platforms and golden pillars in the north, everywhere bl
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