Chapter 32 Car Dealer

They prepared themself to pick the nicest cars in the car dealers. Nicholas and Ferrer don't know if they will purchase expensive cars or the cheaper ones. Their boss just wanted to purchase a car for themselves albeit the price.

Antonio just wanted this day to end. It's not because he's tired, he just wants to finish shopping for cars for personal assistants.

He managed to buy them cars because he got bored waiting for Nicholas this morning. He was also surprised to know that Nicholas did not have his own car. So he was able to say words that could cost him money.

But it is not easy for Antonio to run out of money, he is a CEO and the son of a prominent business man who also comes from an influential family. The De Isquierdas only paid for the two cars. They can grow the town of Vacarelli, so a million won't hurt their pocket.

Ferrer was shaking with excitement because he now had his own car that he could use. His family learned of this news, and because of that Ferrer has high resp
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