Chapter 209. Finally Met Richard

With the introduction to his new workplace, Alvin felt a mix of excitement and anticipation. Sophia led him to the 3rd floor, where his workstation awaited. Upon entering the spacious, well-lit office area, Alvin noticed the hum of productivity and the scent of freshly printed documents.

Sophia directed Alvin to a desk where a woman was working diligently on her computer. Alvin's eyes widened in recognition — it was the same woman from the elevator earlier. Sophia approached the desk and tapped Felicia gently on the shoulder.

"Felicia, this is Alvin, our newest addition to the team. Alvin, meet Felicia, your colleague here. She'll be showing you the ropes," Sophia announced with a warm smile.

Felicia turned around, her face lighting up with recognition. "Ah, we did meet earlier, didn't we? Good to officially welcome you, Alvin!" Felicia extended her hand, and Alvin shook it warmly.

Sophia, pleased with the positive atmosphere, continued, "Felicia, please help Alvin settle in and guide
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