Chapter 10
[ Puuuuussssssshhhhhh! ]

The glass cover of the capsule opens upwards. Seth squirmed awake by loosening all his muscles. He moaned for a moment. He had never felt so comfortable sleeping.

He can't remember the last time he slept comfortably. Maybe when he was in high school. While his parents were still alive-before strange events made both parents disappear mysteriously.

"Ugh, wait a minute –" Seth muttered in relief.

Seth felt his body astonished. From the arms, legs, and ribs, all the bruises all over his body disappeared without a trace. He even punched his ribs, and no horrible stabbing like before.

"True, the wound is all gone. How could I − ?" Seth talked to himself.

His legs moved down from the magic capsule to ensure he was not dead. Seth looked at the mirror on the wall.

"I'm healed!"

Though the verge of his lip had been torn yesterday and now disappeared without a trace.

"It works! My ribs did not hurt anymore either," Seth roared with excitement.

Incredible, Seth
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