Entry 167

It all happened so suddenly.

One moment, the thugs were trying to take down Jeremy and Marcus to take away their belongings and the next moment, they were writhing on the floor like worms that had salt poured in them.

As they groaned and gasped for air, Jeremy looked on with an expressionless look on his face.

Meanwhile, Marcus was somewhat terrified.

Just what power had Jeremy used?

He couldn’t even begin to fathom it.

But then he wondered. If he had such an ability… wouldn’t Ria still be alive now?

Wouldn’t he have been able to save Ria and ensure nothing happens to her?

As that thought came, Marcus found himself pondering on it more and more until he could hardly think of anything else.

Then he heard Jeremy’s voice. “This not power you should hope for.”

His voice snapped Marcus out of his reverie, causing him to realize that he had Ben staring off into nothingness for a bit too long.

Then he glanced at Jeremy who was staring intently at him.

“how did you do that!” Marcus immediatel
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