Entry 170

The Otherworldly were graded according to a system created by mankind after constant bouts with them.

From E, it ascended thusly; E, D, C, B, A, S, SS and lastly Godspawn.

Two things were used in the grading process.

One was the destructive capabilities of said monster while the second was the utility of their ability.

Which meant a flame monster could be lesser than a monster that can’t be seen simply because the monster that can’t be seen won’t be easily beat.

For the flame monster, there would surely be ways to counter since it’s seen but the other… the first step would be to see it no?

Other criteria was put into consideration as well, like how hard was it to kill one or like how fast were their regenerative capabilities.

Of course this applied to most Otherworldly.

Yes, most.

The SS and Godspawn were different.

They were a class that defied natural laws and created conundrums that defied everything humanity had come to understand.

The difference between an SS and a Godspawn was t
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