
This rare kind of Joy filled the atmosphere. Aurelio doesn't know if he has ever been this happy.

Erica has brought him Joy, and not just him but his family too.

“Ohhh my dear! I am gonna be a grandma of twins" Mrs Bertram squealed happily.

“Oh dear Erica, you've brought me happiness, this kind of happiness I've been searching for" she said already breaking down into tears.

Erica left her seat and went to her as she crossed her hand around her shoulder.

“Lola, you shouldn't cry" she said lowly to her

"I am just so Happy dearie, how can I pay you” she asked Erica

" What? Of course not..I should be the one to ask you that Lola, I am so happy I have you now” Erica said to her and pulled her to a hug.

Aurelio was still smiling at the result in his hands, his mind wasn't with Erica or his Mom.

Mr Bertram was also looking at the photo.

" Great news! I am gonna be a great grandfather of twins, can't wait to see my great grandkids” Mr Maynard replied happily.

" Thus really calls for celebrat
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