We have your mom

Erica covered her ears with both of her hands. Her eyes were tightly shut close.

She really don't know what to do now..get up and run?

Where did the gun shot come from?

She smwas about to open her eyes and then she heard another gunshot “Ah!!" She screamed again.

“Erica!!" Rowan called out and she dropped her hands down from her ears as she opened her eyes and saw him standing by the door with a pistol gun in his hands.

He ran to her immediately and stretched his hands out at her as he pulled her up.

“R-r-rowan" she stuttered

“You're safe now, I'm here" he replied

“Where is Aurelio?" She asked him as she looked down at the ground.

Her body was still shaking..

“I'm not sure he knows of what is happening now, I'm really sorry I came in late" he apologized

“A maid ran to tell me she heard your scream and a gunshot" he continued and she nodded her head.

“How are you? Are you hurt anywhere?" He asked immediately as he checked up on her

“No, I'm not.. except that my hands are covered in
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