Chapter 12: Starting a New Journey

Alecia, Diana, and Virgil strode towards a large wall that surrounded the town and stopped by the gate. Outside, an armed man was waiting.

"We're ready," said Virgil.

The man nodded, spun around to pick up the three small weapons leaning against the wall, and handed each to Alecia and Diana.

"Remember," the man withdrew from giving the weapon to Virgil, "a deal is a deal."

He offered Virgil the weapon.

Alecia shot a ponderous gaze on the object in her hand. Of course, there'd be a danger, how could it slip her mind?

"Ever used a weapon like this before?" Virgil posed with a narrowed look.

She nodded. "Only once."

"Good," Virgil said before turning to Diana. "You better use what I taught you."

Diana's eyebrows drew closer to each other, a scowl on her face. "As you said, we're ready."

She stormed off, opened the gate, and stepped out.

Alecia's memories came back to the day she had to use the weapon. It was impossible for her to forget; she almost killed a man, who, in her defense, trie
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