The next morning, the guards went to Mr. Sam to tell him what happened at the birthday party the other night, Mr. Sam saw them and asked the guard that Mr. Prime punched on the face.

He asked him what happened to his face and the guard told him that it was Mr. Prime that punched his face, as they were still talking the head of the cultist group came out and stood with them.

They told Mr. Sam everything that Mr. Prime told him to tell Mr. Sam, Mr. Sam was very angry after hearing this, he asked them why can’t they just perform a task without so many excuses.

“How on earth do you people go to Mr. Primes party and disclose your identity or make him see you, now he knows that we are after my son Junior.”

They could not say anything as Mr. Sam was very angry, if anyone of them had made a sound, he would have shot the person dead immediately. They all bowed their head in shame.

Mr. Sam dismissed them and told the head of cultist whether he could get him a group of boys who can perform an as
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