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The day was overcast and somber as people gathered at the cemetery to bid farewell to Carlos Wilson and Colonel Jennifer Moretti.

It had been two weeks since the “Heart of Mexico” event, as the world has named it.

Sean had made a remarkable recovery and was there, accompanied by his mother, Kate.

Sarah, Malone, and a few other auto shop employees were also present.

ColonelWilliams had come along with Karen, and May, the Colonel’s daughter, had come to pay their respects.

Everyone lived in denial of what they knew to be true for the first few days following the Heart of Mexico event.Carlos had gone to Mexico to try and make some investments, and Colonel Jennifer had said she was going to have a get-together with some friends from the academy.

Everyone wanted to believe that they had left Mexico in time, or at least that they weren’t within the range of the damage, but after the first few days, they knew the duo hadn’t escaped. Their hope for the next few
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