Cp 50

Galan was hungry, and the hospital cafeteria was out of operation, forcing him to buy food outside the hospital. It's still raining, and it's quite heavy. After a tour of the restaurant that was still open, he finally decided to buy only fast food, which was all that was open.

"The town is too quiet, it's not midnight yet but it's quiet and it's like a dead city," he said. The smell of fast food made his stomach hungry.

Galan went into the hospital running, without a jacket or an umbrella. The hospital was empty, and he met only guards and night-shift nurses. Galan had a slight chill down the quiet and narrow passage, and there were only a few vivid lamps to light the passage.

The non-disabled man stopped and looked back, there was no one there, and Galan walked back. Once in the hallway leading to Masha’s room, he stopped and looked back. From far away Galan, it was like seeing a passing shadow and then lost; it was unclear who. He began to feel uneasy; Galan rushed to Masha’s room,
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