046 - The Bounty

In the meantime, the cops are now conducting a brief investigation over the death of the two guards that Andrew killed. Their first suspect is the fake soldier that these people held captive, which no longer be there at the moment.

Yet they had also learned from Prof. Irwan that the man was badly injured, and there’s no way that man would be able to harm anyone.

Henry examines the destroyed chin of one of those dead guards. “I couldn’t think of any ways to inflict this kind of damage to someone.”

“The best I could think of, you heat a metal baseball bat so hot, and then use it to hit him,” Nathan speculates. “But why would anyone go that far just to kill while one can simply use the normal way.”

Henry shakes his head weakly. “It’s like he was cremated. But how are you going to cremate someone locally like this. Only his mouth and jaws are gone, while the rest of his face still looks normal?”

“It must be the work of that freak!” Prof. Harun accuses.

“Hey, hey! Don’t start it again,” Pr
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