045 - My Back

That self-entitled soldier is just a mercenary. He has no burden to be loyal to the people who hired him. So, there is no reason for him to keep anything a secret at this point.

“We are just mercenaries. Our client is the people from The Defiance Atlantis. They gave us those devices to identify people who were affected by the meteor’s radical radiation like you.”

“And for what purpose?” asks Andrew.

“It’s not our policy to ask the motive of our client. The order is simple, to take these people to a place they had facilitated, where these people will be treated. But before accepting this request, we had already learned about the emergence of awakened soldiers. I didn’t know what this awakened thing before, until I saw that kid with the white hair. And, you!”

“And about The Defiance Atlantis?” Asks Andrew by taking his face closer full of intimidation.

That man immediately shakes his head fast. “I’m just a lackey in my organization. One thing that I know, The Defiance Atlantis consists
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