Chapter 52 - The Path Of Nouns & Numbers

Within Caromine Institute at the Word Augmenter training facility, Ms Ever Moist was educating Cinder Burn about the fundamentals of successfully manifesting Nounal force. They trained side by side each other mimicking each other’s movements. So far, Cinder Burn was grasping a little of the basics.

Nounal Force was quite similar to Natural Verb Force. Both of them were innate elements that stemmed from a certain increase and influx of a Word Master’s inherent Letter Force. What separated the two are their structural application. In short, Natural Verb Force mostly involves manifestation around the body while Nounal Force has to do with boosting a weapon’s capabilities. Trying to crisscross the two would result in an unstable result of element pronunciation.

“I think I’m getting the hang of it now.” Cinder Burn followed each step taught to her by her teacher. While rousing a partial property of her Letter Force, she maintained her focus on the Augmented Weapon. Moments later, she began
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