Before going home, Ronald gave Jasmine some anti-inflammatory medicine. He didn't have any medicine for Jasmine's sprained foot, so he gave her anti-inflammatory medicine.

On his way home, Ronald felt that someone was following him, but he couldn't see the person.

Ronald looked back. He saw a black shadow moving quickly to hide. It seemed like the figure had abilities beyond those of ordinary humans.

the ability of his future sneakers, Ronald ran quickly. After feeling far enough away, he hid behind a big tree. It wasn't long before someone wearing tight black clothes appeared. Ronald looked at the person. He was sure that the person dressed in all black was a woman. Although her head and face were covered by a head covering, but her breasts were puffed up.

He smelled a pleasant perfume. Ronald felt he should know who the woman following him was and what her purpose was. Was the woman also a member of the drug syndicate? It would be very troublesome if the drug syndicate members kept
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