Black Virus: Dawn Of The Bio-bots
Black Virus: Dawn Of The Bio-bots
Author: Destiny Max
Black Virus

A man wearing a white lab coat rushed into the room before slamming the door behind him with a resonating boom.

"What is wrong with you!" He roared in anger as his blue eyes locked on the robot crouching as he yelled, "Where is the new shipment of alien weapons needed for the Black Virus?"

The Robot smiled, "Yelling like a fool will not help you," he rose as a ten feet tall robot towered over the doctor, "Vegas, The weapons needed will be ready when the virus is active doctor."

The robot had a rifle strapped to his back and spikes protruding from his back.

Dr Vegas scoffed then stormed out of the room as the robot watched him with a nonchalant expression.


Alien Ship.


In the walker ship, aliens gathered at the north wing to plan their next move.

"Walkers of the future, we have gathered here today to plan on how to take the human planet by surprise."

A walker wearing an armoured combat suit looked up to their leader and said, "The virus will help in building the gate for our entry into earth," It laughed madly then continues, "We will destroy their world from the inside!" Continues laughing as the ship bolted ahead.


David tech.

A Six feet tall man wearing a lab coat walked into the laboratory while studying the progress of the Bio-weapons he was creating.

"Those power stones did a great job in powering the abilities of my bio-bots, their energy is limitless! When will they be active?" Dr David said as he looked at a lady in a catsuit.

The lady had blonde hair and radiant blue eyes, "According to your statistical analysis of their upgrade and improvements, they will be active in a few days." She smiles warmly.

Dr David reviews it on his system and in the next moment a profound grin formed on his face, "True but we have to test them first to ascertain their level of capabilities," he locked his eyes on the lady who was fiddling with her knife, "Let it begin!"


Storms were gathering in northern Lightland as a massive ship hovered right above Vegas Robotics as thunder boomed and lightning flashed.

Powerful winds blew around the city as Dr Vegas pushed the activated button causing a huge shockwave to bloom following by electrostatic explosions around the lab as The Black Kingcrawler who haboured the Black Virus roared powerfully spreading the deadly syndrome around the lab as shrill screams escapes the building.

Not long after the incident, strange creatures came out of the lab crawling on the blood stained floor.

The creatures had black fur all over their bodies with dark red eyes and a mouth splitting from ear to ear containing rows of metal teeth and long tongue.

They crawled on the floor on all fours as their tails wagged behind them.

After receiving a mind order from the King Crawler a couple of low growls escapes their mouths.

Then in the next split second they dashed out of the room, following The King Crawler as it roared madly After crushing it's former container with it's huge foot, uttering a deafening roar as it rushed out of the room with demonic energy seeping out of his body.


After the escape of the Black Virus, a massive army of crawlers attacked the main city in Roboland following the intervening from the armed forces.

A bloodbath occured at random areas in Lightland, the armed forces attacks were rendered useless as the crawlers were immune to bullets.

After a couple of hours, the virus spread and more humans were mutated into crawlers.

Dr David hears about the plague and knows what is going on...


Dr David enters the lab with his labcoat on while Miss Cat jumped in through the window and lands on the table with a muffled thud.

A scientist made his way into the room, he was on his labcoat and has blonde hair and deep blue eyes.

"Doctor, the beta test will be taken for a drive, approximately a five minutes run to test their power level." The scientist reports with his head bowed.

Low rumblings were heard outside as Miss Cat purred then speaks, "The weather has been bad since the Black virus outbreak, And the weird weather before the incident, I think something is not right here."

She crossed her legs and closed her eyes as if meditating.

"I know, my theory is that the incident is related to the weather, strange right?" Dr David said while starting the robots operating system as the bio-bots system operation started loading, then Dr David said, "Time for the test!"


Minutes later...


Dr David was smiling as he watched the breathtaking display of strength by his bio-bots.

"Superb!" He yelled as a red coloured robot blasts a drone to splinters then throws a fireball to a drone sneakily approaching from behind.

"Wonderful!" Miss Cat screamed as she fixed her eyes on the white robot who was creating a huge cold area with temperature below zero degree celsius.

As more drones were defeated Dr David grinned then whispered to one of his scientist, "Turn them off, they will become independently run tomorrow,

understand?" The scientist nodded then left, As soon as he left the robots were shut down.


The next morning the five bio-bots were being briefed on their mission, "You all have to acquire a sample of the creatures then send it to me okay?"

The bio-bots nodded then the red coloured one asked, "Sir, how many samples will be used?"

Dr David replied while the red robot listened, "Just a few samples will be enough for the serum, Okay?"

The red robot then asked, "What will be our names then?" Dr David was stunned, "Eh?"


"Eh?" Dr David said as he blinked, the smile on his face died instantly.

The red robot continued, "We need names to be addressed accurately, you can't keep calling me 'The Red Robot', it won't work if they is another red coloured robot around."

Miss Cat coughed awkwardly then said, "We'll get you all names after the mission, okay?"

The robots nodded as Miss Cat smiled to herself.

In the next second the robots left the lab and alighted Dr David's red Rocket car.

The car sped ahead, not caring about anything on the way.

The red robot peered out of the car window then nods to the silver one as the latter increases the brightness in a three meter radius around them.

Crawlers perceived human scents but were frightened by the increased brightness in that area.

"These things have no limits, I almost thought they were afraid of light!" The white robot said while using ice spikes to immobilize some charging crawlers.

A loud roar was heard as more peasant crawlers rushes at the party with the red robot blasting his nearest targets to splinters.

The Blue robot held the motion of the crawlers giving Miss Cat the time to rip the creatures apart.

"More are rushing in, we just need few samples." Dr David said as The red robot grinned, "Mission Begins."


Express road,

Kigg street.

A green car bumped into a crawler as a person in the car shot at a creature who was approaching from behind.

"Headhunter! more of these things up ahead!" A hefty man yelled as he brought his saber down slicing the crawler beneath him in halves as a lady with pink hair shot a crawler dead.

"Captain Strong focus! It almost had you!" The hefty man smiled, "I hope we get to Light City quickly."


Underground tunnels,

Light District.

"Haaa...any more and my knees will turn to jelly, okay time to name you." Dr David pants heavily after the encounter with the crawlers.

The robots smiles as Miss Cat let out a deep breath.


Minutes later...



[ Names ]

[ {Red robot: Kelvin(recognized) ]

[ {White robot: Sandra(recognized) ]

[ {Purple robot: Joseph(recognized) ]

[ {Blue robot: Harry(recognized) ]

[ {Silver robot: Rey(recognized) ]


"I hope you like your new names?" Dr David looked at the robots then smiles.

"Now we can be addressed accurately doctor." The robots nods as Kelvin spoke.

"Now sir, how about some hunting?" Sandra added with an expectant smile. Dr David hesitated then nods, "Crawler Hunting time!"


Captain Strong, Headhunter and the pink haired lady were rushing into the Light City as more crawlers chased them crazily.

"What is that?" the pink haired lady said as a massive ball of flames landed on the crawlers as time slowed, then, follows a cluster of ice spikes to rain on the escaping crawlers.

Kelvin landed as Joseph and Sandra arrived.

"Who are you guys?" Joseph asked in a suspicious tone.

"We are..."


" We're..." The pink haired lady hesitated as she glanced at Strong for support. "We are Dark's monster hunting team." Headhunter said as Strong nods.

"What are you doing here then?" Sandra asked with a questioning look as she studied the pink haired lady.

"We're here because of the crawlers, we know what caused this epidemic." Kelvin frowned slightly as a unbelieving look was on his face.

"What caused this then?" Kelvin asked directing the question at the supposed leader of this strange group.

Headhunter shivers after recounting the recent battle with some strange creatures in his town.

"They called themselves 'Walkers' from other realities, Those things were powerful, almost invincible even though they attack idly for invaders." Headhunter points to the pink haired lady then continues, "Caitlin tagged along with me and Strong sin-!"

"That's CAPTAIN STRONG to you redhead!" An angry voice boomed behind him as Headhunter shook his head.

"Shut the hell up meatfreak..." Headhunter growled as he felt a strange feeling of chaos.

In the next second the earth beneath them rumbled.

Growls and roars were heard from behind the party following a minor earthquake

In a blur a figure steps out of the shadows wearing a smirk on his face and a huge Lazer rifle strapped to his back.

An army of drones and crawlers stood vigilantly behind him.

"Ahhh, Dr David's pets are here indeed, I see you have got a little improvement eh?" Then the figure continued with the smirk still on his face, "My name is the Earthbot and I'm here to make sure that you return to David in pieces."

Earthbot took a fighting stance as his minions approached the group.

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