Encounter III

“Well, I guess that’s that.” Daemon said as he looked at the unconscious hero that lay on the ground. “You’re the first hero to ever come and visit me so I have to give you some credit for that at least right? Though that doesn’t mean that you’re necessarily the best already. I’ve yet to see the other heroes and if they do the same stupid act as you, I doubt I’d spare them the same way.”

The way that Daemon is speaking to Zeke at that moment would make you think that the hero can actually hear him. Zeke can’t of course. He’s already forced to be unconscious. Though that barely matters for Daemon. He doesn’t care about things like these. He simply wants to say what he wants and, that is exactly what he continued doing.

“Anyway, you’re not going to forget about all of this. You’re head’s already been filled with a protective spell that secures your memories.” Daemon said as he placed his hand over the head of the hero. “There’s really something about you that’s uncanny my dear hero. You
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