Encounter II

“It’s been a long time since I flew this distance.” A deep and sharp tone. That is the voice of the creature that landed right in front of Zeke.

There is no warning of his coming. There are no signs. Before Zeke can even prepare for it, Daemon’s already landed right in front of him. Gently. Elegantly. Without a single sound being made. Without a single stone being shaken. And that is all the more reason why this whole thing is frightening. Because, a creature with such an immense amount of power has appeared in front of him in such a silent way.

Every fiber of Zeke’s being is telling him to run away. To run as fast as he can and never look back. There are no thoughts of fighting coming through his head at all. Not even the slightest bit humored his imagination because, the only thing playing in his mind is his own death. The thing playing in his mind is how he will be killed by this being that just appeared. Yet his body can’t move.

No matter how much he’s telling it to, his body just
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