Bogus Billionaire

72 ratings

Bogus Billionaire

By: Shining Riviera CompletedRomance

Language: English

Chapters: 1398 views: 713.0K

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Betrayed by her fiancé, Caroline Evans decides on a whim to marry someone else. Everyone mocks her for the decision of giving up on the heir to the Morrison family and choosing some poor punk instead. However, that poor punk is actually secretly the top wealthiest person around, newly back in the country to invest in its development. He’s also her ex’s uncle! Lamenting about being tricked, Caroline Evans insists on a divorce. But her husband corners her and says unblinkingly, “That billionaire is not me. That guy had cosmetic surgery to look like me.” Looking at his handsome face, Caroline believes it. “What a curse to have the same face as someone of the Morrison family!” The next day, the world is surprised to find that the heir of the Morrison family has been kicked out and now has nothing. As for the newly crowned top billionaire, he starts wearing a mask to hide his attractive features.

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Bogus Billionaire is the Romance novel by Shining Riviera following the story of Caroline Evans who decides to marry someone poor after she's betrayed by her fiancé. But he turns out to be a wealthy person instead and the uncle of her ex. Feeling tricked, Caroline insists on a divorce, but her husband convinces her that the other man underwent cosmetic surgery in order to look like him and so their married life continues.


The novel currently has 376 chapters alongside a 10 rating score and 26.6K views.


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  • Mbali Sithomo


    Oh no. Am so sad ... Kirk and Caroline .... Kirk was a dream husband, and now this Eddy, how I wish I could kill him myself, such an opportunist with no plan what so ever. He doesn't love Caroline he loves the idea of having her around. I wish Kirk and Caroline could find the way to each other soon.

    2024-01-16 04:57:14
  • sandra


    Great book but needs to finish already

    2023-10-19 22:38:48
  • Starry Eyed


    I love the story......️...

    2023-10-16 09:37:13
  • Karla Gordon


    it's a decent read so far...I've read all chapters and still waiting on her to find out the truth. I may have to abandon the story if she doesn't find out by the 500rth chapter

    2023-10-04 10:52:21
  • Mia Mia


    the suspense of the story makes me want to read more.. i like this story.. ...

    2023-09-28 15:57:44
  • Harriet Thomas


    I like this ... hopefully will be updated soon

    2023-09-27 10:59:32
  • Nelia Stander


    I think the ly goes on for too long and becomes bigger and bigger. I feel very bad for Caroline. Furthermore, he makes so many people ly with him! How will she ever be able to trust him or anyone else? How is he going to fix it? She trusts him wholeheartedly and he betrays her trust.

    2023-09-25 16:01:25
  • Zy Ta Lum


    Nice story i hope i can purchase this book pls do you have premium account?

    2023-09-20 18:49:18
  • Lea Manzano


    Nice story

    2023-09-15 18:05:22
  • Bejelde Espanola


    I like the story. I would like to finish reading up to the last chapter.

    2023-09-15 04:34:56
  • Carol Jackson


    very disappointed about the end of this book. I felt like it left you hanging

    2024-02-29 07:46:19
  • Delinda Schumacher


    so please tell me, it will cost around $131.00 us dollars to read this book!!! is it even worth it??

    2024-02-27 21:15:08
  • Shelyn


    Author, No bonus epilogues chapters for the happy marriage and family life with their children?

    2024-02-26 16:40:46
  • Ariana L. Miller


    thankyou author bakit lahat n lng ng nabasa k english story minadali ang ending just asking lng nmn maganda nmn ang flow ng story pero s ending laging minadali

    2024-02-20 04:47:23
  • Shelyn


    Can we have few epilogue chapters with Kirk and Caroline are happily married and have few kids. ...

    2024-02-19 14:14:30
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1398 chapters
Chapter 1
Caroline Evans was getting married.Not to her fiancé, Eddy Morrison, whom she had loved for eight years. Instead, she was marrying a man she'd only met for all of five minutes and knew very little about."You can still back out." The man looked at Caroline cynically in the waiting room of City Hall.Caroline toyed nervously with the already creased hem of her shirt, Eddy's cold expression flashing through her mind. Three days ago, Eddy, who usually avoided her like the plague, invited her over for dinner. When she received his call, she naively thought that her eight years of effort was finally paying off.She had dolled herself up and showed up eagerly. However, there were others besides Eddy waiting for her. Sitting in a wheelchair with her fingers laced with Eddy's was a glowing, radiant Layla Evans, who was none other than her cousin.Before Caroline could take in their relationship, Eddy dropped a bomb on her."If you donate your kidney to Layla, I'll marry you."Caroline
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Chapter 2
"Is something wrong?" Kirk looked at her.Caroline's red lips parted. She was unsure how to explain but was afraid he would overthink things. "No. Let's go."It had to be done sooner or later.On the way over, she received a call from Eddy.Upon seeing the flashing screen, Caroline's expression froze. She was reminded of how she'd behaved in the past eight years—she used to be the one who called Eddy, asking about his day. But Eddy had never called her.She wouldn't have received an ounce of concern even if she were in the hospital undergoing surgery. But now, Eddy was calling Caroline for Layla's sake. There was no way Caroline could compare to Layla."Aren't you going to take that?" Kirk looked out of the window. He had been resting his eyes.Caroline looked at his perfect face. Although she couldn't see his expression, she felt like he was annoyed.She hesitated for a moment before finally picking up.Before she could even speak, Eddy's angry voice came from the speaker. "Caroline!
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Chapter 3
Caroline's heart thumped in her chest. It felt like a lifebuoy had been thrown to her in the open sea.She looked up and met Kirk's gaze. The amusement in his eyes had vanished, replaced by deep emotion. For a second, even Caroline believed it.She quickly looked at Dan and Sarah White, her mother.They were so shocked that they both collapsed onto the couch. After a beat, Dan reacted first. He looked at Caroline and asked, "Carrie, what is this?"Before she could speak, Kirk shielded her behind him. Her mind went blank at the feeling of protection he gave her. He said in that husky voice of his, "We just registered our marriage today. It was so rushed that we didn't get the chance to inform you."Dan was furious, but he kept his composure. "Carrie!"Caroline gritted her teeth and said, "What he's saying is true. I married him because I didn't want to marry—"Before she could finish her sentence, Sarah rushed toward her and squeezed her shoulders. "What happened, Carrie? Didn'
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Chapter 4
Kirk shoved her into the passenger seat with a steely face. He then got into the driver’s seat and shut the door.Caroline was so startled that she jumped a little. She snuck a glance at Kirk’s unpleasant expression, perplexed. She was the one who should be angry. Why did he look more enraged than she was?At once, Kirk started the car and sped into the distance.Caroline nearly flew out of her seat. She grabbed the handhold tightly, her voice sounding distorted in the wind. “What are you doing?”It was as if Kirk hadn’t heard anything. He stepped on the gas, staring straight ahead as if he were a beast in the night.At once, the Audi A6 sped through the streets like a rushing river.Caroline turned pale. She could barely hold on. The wind swept her questions away, her voice drowned in the breeze.Finally, Caroline stopped struggling and let the wind tousle her hair. Kirk was like a madman, driving her toward the unknown.Three days ago, she’d thought about dying. But suicide w
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Chapter 5
Caroline was amused by Gwen's outburst. "You've read too many romance novels. I just picked him off the street. He has nothing to do with the Morrisons. The only thing they have in common is that he works in one of their companies.""Oh." Gwen was disappointed. "So he's Eddy's employee. Doesn't that mean that Eddy can bully you whenever he wants?"Caroline's eyes darkened. "He … probably wouldn't because of Old Mr. Morrison. Besides, I'm already married. Eddy probably won't come and bother me anymore."Gwen relaxed a little, but when she thought of Eddy's harassment, she felt angry on her friend's behalf. "If it were up to me, I'd have beaten up that man. Does he not know how much you wanted to marry him?"Caroline said, "It's already in the past, Gwen. In the future, Eddy and I will be our own people. We will not interfere with each other.""So your marriage …" Gwen hesitated. "It hasn't been made known to Old Mr. Morrison yet, has it? If he comes to know about it, he'll be sad."
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Chapter 6
Half an hour later, Caroline was in the car that Jude had prepared and headed toward Starlust Hotel. Only after she had arrived did she learn from the butler that it was a party."Is Eddy here, too?" Caroline asked. She absolutely did not want to see him.The butler, however, misunderstood. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, Ms. Evans. He'll be here soon."Caroline was speechless. Would she be able to leave in time?But then, the door opened. Caroline had nowhere to go. Thus, she greeted, "Grandpa.""Oh!" Jude smiled when he saw Caroline. "Come, Carrie. Sit here with me."She sat next to him. Just then, she realized that everyone had yet to begin eating. They were probably waiting for someone important to arrive.As if reading her mind, Jude said with a chuckle, "We're here to celebrate Eddy's uncle's return to the country."Although Kirk had asked to keep this a secret, Jude had faith in Caroline. He believed that she would not be loose-lipped.Caroline was dazed for a moment
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Chapter 7
Eddy and Caroline both walked out of the hall. The second they were out the door, Eddy grabbed her by her neck. "Don't think that you're invincible just because my grandfather favors you!"Caroline could hardly breathe, but the smile on her face remained. She choked. "Well, you should stop thinking about using my kidney the price for marriage and clear things up with Grandpa soon. Otherwise, there's no telling what else I'll say."Eddy trembled violently. The Caroline before him seemed to have changed. She was no longer obedient like a lamb.He tightened his grip and warned, "Don't you dare think of playing any games. I will never call the marriage off. You will give your kidney to Layla!"Then, he turned and left.Caroline watched as he left, suddenly unable to understand how she had fallen for him eight years ago. However, she did not dwell upon it. She turned, about to ask an employee about what happened to Eddy's uncle, when she caught sight of Kirk not far away.She couldn't
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Chapter 8
It was then that everyone reacted. They pushed Caroline over frantically and wiped the porridge off Layla. But even so, her scalp was burning. Her tears fell in large drops on the ground.The nurse barked, “Who are you? Do you know who you’ve angered?”Caroline replied coldly, “I’m Eddy’s fiancée.”Everyone was stunned. They began looking at Layla with different eyes.Layla panicked before she began explaining anxiously, “Your engagement was just a formality. There was no relationship at all. What Eddy and I have is true love. Could you give him back to me?”Everyone looked at Caroline in disdain.Caroline scoffed. What a bitch her cousin was.She crossed her arms and said calmly, “Since your relationship is so pure, why hasn’t Eddy nullified our engagement in front of Grandpa? Could he be lying to you?”Layla’s face was distorted. Many people were around, and she had to maintain her composure. She bit her lip. “I know you’re upset because you have to donate your kidney to save
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Chapter 9
Sean was standing a distance away from the table and could not see what Carolien looked like. He nodded at Eddy's words.As the most skilled kidney specialist in the world, a surgery like this was child's play to him. He only came back to handle this surgery because of Kirk."I'm going to leave. The rest is in your hands," Eddy said to Sean before turning to leave.At this moment, outside City Hall, Kirk got down the car, attracting the attention of many.He wore ordinary clothes, and his car was nothing extraordinary. However, his bearing made him stand out among the crowd, and with his handsome features and perfectly sculpted figure, it was hard to go unnoticed.Kirk was standing alone at the door, faced with their attention. He looked at the watch on his wrist, revealing the smooth contours of his muscles.It was already ten minutes past nine, but Caroline had not yet appeared.He did not like tardy people.He called Caroline on his phone, but no one answered. This made him
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Chapter 10
"Dr. Yates." Layla's specialist shot her a look before saying to Sean, "I'd rather not trouble you personally on a minor surgery like this." Sean looked away, failing to remember where he had seen Layla before. Beautiful women all looked the same. Perhaps he was overthinking. He looked at the specialist. Since the previous discussion, the specialist had insisted on performing the surgery himself. Seeing his determination, Sean agreed. "Okay."After finally getting approval, the specialist let out a long breath and told the anesthetist, "Hurry up and give her the anesthesia." The anesthetist picked up a syringe and jabbed it into Caroline's arm. Watching the liquid flow into her body gradually, Caroline said weakly, "Let … let me … go …" Her eyelids felt heavier by the second as the liquid was injected into her. Images of countless people flashed in her mind. There was her mom and dad, Eddy, and her friends, but all of them only lingered briefly until Kirk's image appeared. Thinking
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