Chapter 1606 My Son Wants You, Without Your Friend

Angela remains disgusted with life, living in Gustavo's apartment. She is knitting a wool coat for David as she listens to the radio playing “Jesus to a Child” by George Michael.

Gustavo appears in the uniform of the Ramos Supermarket warehouse. Against his expectation, Gustavo indeed strengthened and stout his body thanks to so many times that he carried heavy boxes of goods. This makes Angela have second thoughts about her friend.

“Gus, you're getting into the same muscular shape as Will Campos.” She slyly insinuates, “Did you get a girlfriend?”

“No, and I don't want to date you.” Gustavo sits in the armchair, disgusted with the world, “You'd better think of a way to at least get your son back.”

Angela sighs, “If I only knew how to defeat my future ex-husband...”

Someone knocks on the door. Angela pretends she didn't hear and continues with her knitting. Gustavo snorts and goes to answer...

...To Josias.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Gustavo quacks.

“Good morning, Gustavo. I n
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