Chapter 1622 Investigating the Past

Amoreira is eagerly reading the new issue of Maggiezine. Celebrity gossip and schemes always fascinate him. With a smirk, he turns the page after reading a column.

“So that bastard actor was supporting two families at the same time? Who would say...”

His office door opens and Bernardo enters.

“Good morning, detective. I hope I can count on your help.”

“Sit down, my lord. How can I help you...?”

“Bernardo Marçal.”

“Oh God, you own my favorite publication!” Amoreira shakes the magazine, “Can you give me an autograph?”

Bernardo is not one to autograph, but he smiles and gives an impromptu autograph on the cover of the magazine, “Satisfied?”

“And a lot, this magazine will be worth thousands of reais. Twenty years later, I will put it up for auction.”

Bernardo has even forgotten that he was looking to divorce Maggie.

“And then, Mr. Marçal?”

“I want you to do a secret investigation.” Bernardo leans forward.

“Mr. Marçal, if the matter is urgent, I suggest you look for a private investigator.
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