chapter thirty six: down to 67

Each clash of blades was a testament to Ezra's unyielding spirit, his every strike a resounding declaration of his refusal to succumb to the formidable opponent before him.

The encounter seemed to unfold in a timeless ballet of skill and resolve, the room enveloped in the electric tension of their confrontation. Through the relentless torrent of the robot's onslaught, Ezra pressed forward with unshakeable determination, his unwavering resolve guiding him through the tumultuous duel. The very air thrummed with the indomitable spirit of their contest, each combatant a paragon of unyielding will as they clashed with unrelenting fervor.

As the duel reached its climactic zenith, Ezra's unshakeable resolve prevailed, and with a masterful stroke, he emerged victorious over the formidable adversary. With a triumphant exhalation, Ezra stood amidst the aftermath of the intense confrontation, the air was charged with a sense of triumph and relief.

“Haha... that's what I'm talking about.” Romeo c
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