chapter thirty five: down to 68

With each resounding clash of their blades, Jake surged towards victory, his unyielding will guiding him through the crucible of their fierce confrontation. With unparalleled expertise and unwavering focus, he sought to regain the upper hand amidst the chaos, carefully assessing the robot's movements and strategizing his next move. The duel escalated into an awe-inspiring display of skill and tenacity, every maneuver a testament to the unyielding resolve of both combatants. The chamber crackled with the intensity of their confrontation as Jake's unyielding spirit carried him through the tempestuous duel, every strike and evasion a resounding declaration of Jake's unwavering determination to

As the duel reached its climax, the robot's relentless onslaught began to wear Jake down, and its calculated strikes started to find their mark. Jake's unyielding spirit, however, refused to falter in the face of adversity. Despite the mounting pressure, he remained steadfast, his every move a tes
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