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It was a bright Monday morning, two weeks after Alfred and Davies returned from the hospital. Davies was inside the sitting room when Magdalene walked in. Magdalene had gone to the mall on Saturday to buy food items, because Davies would be resuming school today. When Magdalene got home that day, he showed Davies everything he had bought. Davies took a gaze at the food items. They were majorly what he wanted. He thanked Magdalene.

“I hope you have put the food items inside the car’s boot?” Magdalene said gently.

“Yes, mum. I finished that some minutes ago. Have you eaten your food?”

“No. I will eat my food when I come back. It’s time we went. You shouldn’t be late on your first day at school.”

“Before we go, mum, can I tell you something?”

“Alright. Be very fast.”

“Edwin told me you rarely eat…”

“He did?” Magdalene cut in.

“Yeah. Please, ensure you eat often because of the baby. I wouldn’t want you to have a miscarriage.”

“Miscarriage? Well, yo
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