New Arrival

It had been less than an hour since the ship departed the port, but the debate had been going nonstop. The main topic was caused by Alex’s rash decision to recruit the two pirates who appeared out of nowhere.

“Al, have you lost your mind?” protested Pandora. “We don’t know about these two dirty guys and you just casually invited them aboard? On top of that, you entrusted them with the wheel!”

“Not to mention that sinister-looking parrot, Alex!” Stella took on Pandora’s side. “This ship is too small for two birds. Mephy should be the only one on board!”

Alex, on the other hand, didn’t directly entertain their banter. Instead, he just stood there, allowing each of his crews to vent their dissatisfaction. Meanwhile Jillaab and Balastar were having a god round of the ship, amazed by the beauty they laid their eyes upon.

"Ahoy there! Ye lot be blessed enough to sail the virgin ocean on this beauty, yet ye still find time to argue? Ye should be grateful for this adventure and enjoy the jour
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