chapter 138 unedited

The Canada Knight Auction House was a large organization that oversaw all of the monetary transactions that took place between different knights in Canada. They will surely make an effort to validate and investigate each and every questionable detail that they find and find out more about it.

"As a consequence of this, I will need to obtain a new license."

He was required to do so because the reassignment exam for the new Knight license, which was put down pretty clearly, was a prerequisite for him to obtain the license.

As a direct result of this, the end result was an unquestionable triumph.

If he were to believe what the president of the knight guild had said, he would have no trouble obtaining that license in just two days without any problems at all. If he were to believe what the president of the knight guild had said.

When he understood that he had made things more difficult for himself by turning down the request to join the knight guild, he did have a brief period of minor co
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