Truth Comes Out

After calling the police on Mr. X and he got arrested, Vincent, Chloe, Samuel, Eli, and Lily, believed that it was a great win for them.

They all needed someplace to stay for the night and no longer caring about what her mother thought or might do, Lily volunteered her home.

"Are you sure it's fine if we stay here for the night?" Vincent asked Lily, "We didn't exactly speak to your mother about it." he added.

"She never cared about me so why should I care what she thinks of my choices? She spent all her life searching for her missing son and neglecting me." Lily replied, "She never once called me since I left. probably never noticed in the first place."

Vincent stayed quiet and allowed Lily to lead the rest of them into the house.

Vincent's phone started to ring and his wife, Chloe, wanted to stay back and know what the phone call was all about.

"Who is it?" Chloe asked.

"Someone from work," Vincent answered and picked up the call.

He rushed outside the house while speaking, "Hello?"
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