Victory Short-lived

"Vincent, what was that all about?" Chloe asked after following Vincent to their bedroom.

Vincent paced left and right in the bedroom, thinking of what to do now.

"We can't let them go through with whatever they are planning to do," Vincent said.

"Go through with what? Can you stop and explain what's going on to me? Vincent please!" Chloe demanded.

"I heard you mentioned Mr. X. What's going on?!" Chloe asked again.

Vincent looked at Chloe with eyes filled with sadness, "It's Samuel. Eli's best friend."

"What about him?" Chloe asked.

"I think... He might just be my son and Eli isn't." Vincent replied.

"What?! How come? If Eli isn't our son then who are his real parents? How did all this happen?" Chloe panicked.

"That's something I'm yet to figure out. I know that Kate left her child with me and there was certainly no interval where anyone must have switched Eli. Could it be that the baby at that time wasn't Kate's? She just pretended to have abandoned her child?" Vincent thought deeper
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