Epilogue: Stuck In Freedom Attainment Realm For Ten Thousand Years!
In the mortal domain, a young man with long purple hair was sitting on top of the peak of a mountain. Releasing a powerful wave of divine qi, the young man broke through in his cultivation base!

“Finally! I have reached Freedom Attainment Realm 1,000,000th Stage!”

But before the young man could rejoice, he noticed that the skies above him suddenly opened as a rift in space was created.

When the rift in space was created, millions of celestials from the fairy domain, the domain above the immortal domain, had exited the rift in space and descended into the mortal domain!

It wasn’t allowed for even immortals from the immortal domain to descend into the mortal domain, let alone those celestials from the fairy domain. But the Heavenly Path seemed to have turned a blind eye to it and allowed such transgressions which made one wonder whether the Heavenly Path was behind this conspiracy.

“Ultimate Supreme Deity, you have violated the laws of heaven and stayed in the mortal domain despite
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