Chapter 11

Zhang Xuan looked dramatically out the window, thinking to himself of what he would go forth and do today. He didn't feel like cultivating, despite the necessity and urgency of it. He felt lost inside, and uncertain of himself.

He looked around the apartment, noticing how foreign it looked to him. It was surrounded by mysterious spiritual artifacts and unusual furniture that was worn down.

Zhang Xuan wandered around, taking in everything that he saw. He felt awestruck by the sheer power and beauty of these objects. They seemed otherworldly, and unlike anything that Zhang Xuan had ever seen before. 

He felt out of place in his own apartment, as though he didn't belong here amidst all the ancient relics and treasures. It was as if he had stumbled into a magical museum, filled to the brim with wonders beyond his wildest dreams. 

But despite feeling overwhelmed by it all,  he wanted to explore and learn about these spiritual artifacts, eager to
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