Chapter 20

The thug attempted his pathetic punch against Zhang Xuan and completley and utterly missed, just like his parents when they chose to raise him. The thug fell on the floor and slammed against the pavement, looking like a complete joke against Zhang Xuan the cultivator.

It was a pathetic sight to see, such a man who had gotten off on bullying the weak was now being bullied himself!

The young man who was being bullied watched the scene in shock, gasping as he saw Zhang Xuan effortlessly humiliate the thug. "Such power, it exists???" The young man stared aghast and befuddled by the thug getting his ass beat so easily.

The thug attempted to stand up and salvage what dignity he had left within himself. His clothes had gotten dirty from the pavement. His tongue bleeding friend called out to him, "What are you doing, how are you getting your ass beat so easily?"

Zhang Xuan folded his arms, to look cool and like some kind of martial arts master. "Come at me, both of you. I don't have all day
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