Chapter Twenty- Mission impossible?!
Min sighed, she really, really needed to tread carefully, like she was treading through an ice path or she’d be doomed.

Going down to her training area, elen went to the uniforms area and commanded the AI to dress her with her combat wear, she as min still hadn’t checked it out.

Entering into the dressing room, Min closed her eyes while sighing, she had missed Kaoru and the others, they were probably fine since she would be only away for 3 hours anyways.

After about two minutes she was done with dressing up, she looked at herself in the mirror and was stunned, long milky hair packed in a high bun with an dark-amethyst long ribbon that had its side hanging down, a body tight leather silver half-cut with an invisible zipper that had a huge star shape with amethyst in the middle, at the end of the zipper hanging around.

A dark-amethyst mask that was somehow placed on her face, silver stars adorning it, a set of dark-amethyst combat boots with silver soles and a set of combat gloves wi
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