Chapter 19 - Little Human

A knock on the door disturbed Dyra's still-awake peace. Occasionally he rubbed his eyes until he finally inched awake from his sleep.

He glanced at the wall clock which showed 24:00. His dream had to be cut short just because of the sound of a loud knock on his bedroom door.

His forehead furrowed in confusion, who would come to see him in the middle of the night? Curious, the girl was about to move closer to the door that was still closed.

Knock! Knock!

His voice getting louder and louder as he slowly turned the knob. As soon as he opened it there was no one there. Only the gentle breeze that caresses his face slowly.

His head glanced left and right, his eyes darting around sharply. There was no one, he was about to close the door again but his push was too weak. The door knob seemed to be pulled hard.

His hand struggled to pull the door knob back, until it finally closed tightly making a loud sound.

He tried to fall back asleep, but his eyes refused to close and he finally sat down b
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