
*The Banks Residence**

"Do you think we did the right thing? I don't want her hating us for any reason, you know how bitter she can be," Mrs. Banks said with worry visible in her tone.

"She had to heal one way or the other. We can't keep her from her past forever, and besides her brother needs her as much as we do too," Mr Banks said trying to reason with her.

The doorbell rang interrupting their conversation. Mrs Banks sighed and got up to get the door. She returned to the living room with a man behind her.

"Look who we have here?" Mrs Banks announced, drawing Mr Banks' attention.

"Oh Williams, you are here. We were not expecting you today. I don't remember calling for you either or did you?" Mr Banks said looking quite surprised as he directed the question to Mrs Banks

"No I did not call for him, maybe he has something to tell us. Why don't we just give him a chance to speak first," Mrs Banks said looking at Williams.

Williams has been the eyes of this old couple for quite some year
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