Rosie's eyes almost popped out of her socket when David told her about the new development.

"Wait, please, wait a minute." She held up her hand. "Are you trying to tell me that you, willingly, invited her Uncle– who wants to kill you? – to come to see you kill yourself?!"

"Exactly, that's just about it." He nodded.

She puffed out her mouth and held her hands behind her neck.

"David, I mean this in the most respectful way, what the fuck?!"

"It's high time I get this settled," David said. "I mean, how long am I going to keep playing this game with him?"

"How do you intend to kill yourself?!" She asked. "That man may be retired, but he is still very dangerous."

"We are all dangerous people, aren't we?" He asked. "Maybe, just maybe, I will be able to have a civil conversation with him, but if not, I will die."

"You can't die!" She rebuked him with horror in his eyes. "You are the owner of a trillion-dollar business empire, you can't die!"

David looked at the pen in his hand. Black
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