Chapter 151 : Denver Ricardo

Denver placed his open palm on the palm reader. He watched Raven following him. The twins joined hands placing theirs on the palm reader. The monitors seemed to pulled them into a kind of vortex. They saw each other being pulled into different directions. It was quickly clear tthat no one has a choice.

Denver suddenly made his appearance in the house on Rumble's Corner. He found himself standing in front of the door. He knew he just need to step through back into his past. He looked back but the only thing he noticed was the curtains moving from the house just across from his.

"Why are you just standing there boy?" His father suddenly stood in the now opened door. He looked displeased.

"I am coming." he looked back. Everything seemed the same but it's not. Taking a deep breath. "Might as well find out what this was all about." he told himself.

"Where have you been Denver,"

Daniel Ricardo looked very annoyed.

"I am sorry. But why are you angry?"

"You really dare to ask me that quest
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