The First Victim


Sen fell on the ground and had his mouth wide opened as he looked this beauty who could still topple the countries.

"How dare you slap me? Do you think just because you are rank one peak you can slap your son's saviour?"

Sen intentionally made his voice boom like thunder totally making the Viana a villainess who was trying to frame her son's saviour.

Seeing this, Viana knew this guy was black hearted with no morals in his head.

"I apologise for my previous impulse, i was just desperate to meet my son so you interrupted me, i became angry."

She totally cornered him with this sentence making her look like a mother with good heart who couldn't bear the parting with his son.

"It's okay madam. I was just startled if you intentionally slapped me, but since you cleared the misunderstandings, Let's enter into the guild."

Sen's mouth curled up and he pulled the carriage with his black tiger beast energy.

"You mortals! Get out of the fucking way else i will kill all of you."

He showed h
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