12. Survival Mission (2)


A few hours later, I woke up again because a voice called my name several times. Instantly I felt deja vu because of the call. However, I was still surprised when I woke up, my vigilance had indeed been raised many times higher as a form of self-defense in case those black-robed people came suddenly to catch me.


When I was gathering consciousness, I immediately breathed a sigh of relief when I found out that the voice belonged to my father, they came back again and thanked God that my worry didn't happen, it seemed they were still okay.

"Father! Why did it just appear? I've been waiting for it since yesterday, I'm worried because the last time we talked, daddy and mom just disappeared,” I said worriedly at that time, but I can breathe a sigh of relief now.

"Sorry, Zack. The last time we spoke, those black-robed people were approaching the house, they had entered the remote countryside as far as the forest, so father and mother had to hurry away so as not to be caught by them,” father explained.

"But Father and Mother are now okay? So where are you going? Our house is near the forest and there's not a single house nearby to stay in temporarily, you two are okay?" I asked without pause, and the worry returned.

“Calm down, honey, you need to calm down. If Mother and Father are okay, we can't talk to you right now. You don't need to know where we are, what's clear is that we're both fine. But now there is something important I want to talk to you about. Have you found the map and note I put in my backpack?”

Ah, those maps and notes. It turns out that it was true that they gave it, right?

"Yeah, Zack has seen and read everything."

“You can use that map to help you on your way to each district, Father has already given signs on which roads you can take so you can avoid those in the black robes. Do you remember Father's message last time that you must join with people you trust? You have to do that, Zack, because you won't be able to survive if you want to go through everything alone. Father told you you would meet someone who can help you in district five. It's the son of an old friend of Father's. Look for him, and join him to survive, I'm sure he can take care of you later.”

I'm sad to hear that because our conversation sounded like an indirect farewell. My departure means that I will be further away from them, right?

"Father, I have to go, huh? Can't Zack just go back and live with Mother and Father?"

"Honey, don't come back here, Okay? Both of us have tried to do our best to take care of you all this time, if you come back, all our efforts to look after you are in vain. We want you to stay alive and live the way you want.” Mother ... really, I miss her. And hearing her voice now makes me want to cry.

"You don't know what will happen during the trip, but use sharp weapons with the gun Father has prepared for you. Don't be afraid to fight back when you come face-to-face with them. I'm sure you can survive, do you want to promise dad to try to survive? Maybe, for now, you don't know what to do other than survive, but I'm sure that during the journey, you will find some answers to each puzzle that still can't be answered, Zack," Father said at that time. Mother added other things and asked me to endure just like father.

I was silent for a long time then to rethink how I would act next if they asked me like this. I couldn't refuse, they wanted me to live and as much as possible, I had to grant that request. I can't just give up when I know their sacrifice to help prepare all this trip must not be easy.

"Yeah, Zack, I promise. Zack promises to continue this journey and stay alive, even if necessary Zack also promises to try to stop this hunt," I said firmly with complete confidence. They've got their hopes up, so I can't give up that hope just like that.

"Father and Mother will continue to pray for you from here, and I hope you are still fine."

"Zack also always prays for Father and Mother; you both have to promise to stay fine until I return. I will return home to meet Father and Mother when everything is finished. So, you promise to stay with me too, okay?”

"Father and Mother will try their best, yes, honey. But, Zack, have you read the note I gave you too? A record that contains some information about those black-robed groups?”

“ORION, right? I've read it all, Father."

I've read all the notes, and the main fact I know from the papers is about the black-robed group with a name, ORION.

ORION is the name they have. As the name implies, which is one of the most shining Constellations in the sky, the meaning of ORION itself is a hunter constellation, so ORION, which is a group of black robes, are also people who hunt twenty-year-old children, to then they are taken away with a purpose that only they know about it. It lives up to its name, so I know what to call them.

My father had already told me some of the information I had read. It's just that the information was recorded so I could remember every detail about the group. ORION will not hesitate to kill anyone who gets in their way.

Father also added that I shouldn't stare into ORION's eyes for too long because I can suddenly obey their orders if I get trapped. Therefore, I have to be extra careful in my actions.

Towards the end of our conversation that day, father told me that on the seventh day, I could already move towards district two, I had to go through the roads on the map, so I had to memorize some of the roads so I wouldn't have to bother opening the map on the way. It could not be good if I lost the map because the paper is a critical guideline I must take good care of.

Our conversation then had to end immediately because a dad said they had to take care of something. Later, on the sixth day, they said they would contact me again before my trip was made. However, they said a few last sentences that made my heart uneasy after hearing them. That's what dad said at the time.

"Zack, Father will call you in three days, exactly one day before you move into district two. Take good care of yourself and be careful, don't forget to memorize a few paths so you can move more easily. Stay alert to your surroundings. But, Zack, just in case, I wanted to tell you... If Mother and Father don't call you later on the sixth day, you should still go the next day, Okay? Please don't wait for both of us. If we can, we will talk to you. However, if you can't, please keep doing it according to our plan together."

I was not allowed to argue then because they had to stop talking immediately. Again, Father emphasized that it was a precaution, but it still bothered me.

Hopefully, everything will stay fine. That's the only sentence I can recite in my heart every time.

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