"Veil-Ominous Love"

"love knows limits, yet hate remains boundless"

Draconian stood before her brother's grave, feeling the weight of loss and despair. With trembling hands, she spoke to the departed soul, sharing her pain and frustrations with the world. The darkness of her past with Lily lingered, adding to her burden.

As the hours passed, she reluctantly left the graveyard, only to find herself in a desolate place, surrounded by cold mountains. In this isolated landscape, she faced another danger, encountering three fierce wolves. Overwhelmed and unable to defend herself, Draconian found salvation in the form of a young man who courageously fought off the wolves, rescuing her and taking her away from harm's reach.

Together in his car, they fled the perilous scene, leaving behind the haunting presence of the wolves. Bound by the shared experience, Draconian and the young man found solace in each other's presence, grateful for the unexpected connection that brought them together in their time of need.

In the quiet of the night, as the car rolled on, Draconian noticed a small injury on the young man's finger and promptly bandaged it. With a gentle smile, he introduced himself, saying, "My name is Yearn, what's yours?"

Draconian's reply carried a hint of mystery, "Didn't your parents teach you not to tell your name to unknowns."

Yearn fell silent, intrigued by her enigmatic response, but Draconian continued, "Draconian is my name, and I share it with you, for you saved my life today."

Amidst the soft glow of the moonlight, Yearn couldn't help but compliment her unusual name, "Great name! But didn't your parents teach you to say thanks?"

Her dark eyes gleamed, "My parents taught me much, and I express gratitude in my own way. Yet, you made things complicated, and I find it hard to thank you."

Yearn's astonishment surfaced, "Why? I saved your life..."

In a haunting whisper, Draconian revealed her inner turmoil, "I want to escape from this illusion."

As they journeyed on, Draconian requested to be dropped off, claiming her home was nearby. The darkness of the jungle loomed around them, but Yearn insisted, "Let me take you home; it's too dark and dangerous."

"No, drop me here. My house is nearby," she insisted.

Yearn reassured her, "Please don't fear me; after all, I saved your life. I won't harm you."

"If I were scared of you, you wouldn't be here," Draconian responded cryptically.

With a mix of determination and vulnerability, she revealed a hidden pen-knife, gently pointing it towards his chest, and quietly asked him to let her go. The beauty of the night intertwined with an air of uncertainty, painting an unforgettable encounter between Draconian and Yearn.

Yearn fearlessly retorted, "I'm not going to fall in your petty threats."

With a chilling calmness, Draconian replied, "If you fall into my thing, only death can free you."

As she pressed her hand deeper, blood trickled from Yearn's chest, and fear gripped him. He whispered in fear, "You're a psycho..."

Draconian merely shrugged, saying, "That's what people say."

Feeling alarmed, Yearn stopped the car abruptly, convinced that Draconian was indeed dangerous. He urged her to leave, demanding her immediate departure.

Unfazed, Draconian taunted him, "Good, I like your anger."

As she picked up her pen, Yearn's hair accidentally tangled in her necklace. Though she quickly freed it, Yearn commented, "I seem to have bad luck when I'm around you."

Admiring the necklace, he added, "But your necklace is beautiful."

With a touch of sadness in her voice, Draconian revealed, "My mother gave it to me."

The necklace, heart-shaped and green, held sentimental value. Deep in thought, Draconian began walking towards the dark jungle. Yearn, feeling sympathy for her, asked, "Where will you go?"

Caught in the grips of her own troubled past, Draconian felt the weight of despair. She realized she had nowhere to go – neither could she escape nor find solace in staying anywhere.

With a heartbroken tone, she confided in Yearn, "I have nowhere to go, trapped in a world of uncertainty, unable to escape or find a place to belong."

Yearn felt genuine empathy for Draconian as the full moon illuminated the night, and wolves howled in the distance, savoring the darkness.

"Come with me," Yearn gently urged her. "I might be a stranger, but I want you to trust me."

Draconian paused for a moment, her eyes searching Yearn's, then replied, "Trust is like water, you know? It can save you, quench your thirst, but it can also drown you if you're not careful."

Yearn listened attentively, sensing the weight of her words. He replied softly, "I understand. And I promise, I won't let you drown. Together, we'll navigate these waters."

They got into the car and headed towards the hills. During the journey, Yearn inquired about why she didn't want to go home, expressing concern for her parents' well-being.

"Home isn't a haven; it's a source of anxiety," she revealed with a dark gaze. "I feel like my past is an unending cycle."

Yearn sympathized, urging her to break free from those haunting memories. As they reached the hills, he invited her to lie on the grass under the stars. Initially uncomfortable, Draconian was persuaded by Yearn to join him, and they gazed up at the night sky, The soft breeze carried a sense of freedom, and Yearn couldn't help but notice the vulnerability in Draconian's eyes, a vulnerability that spoke volumes.

Yearn encouraged her to open up about her life, and Draconian confessed that her life had been shrouded in darkness. Feeling alienated, people tended to keep their distance from her.

Yearn shared a story about his young brother, describing a girl in his class who seemed to share similarities with Draconian – beautiful yet silent as grave and enigmatic as ocean. Draconian felt a connection with that description, mentioning that the girl resembled a character from her novel.

Yearn discovered her love for writing and appreciated her unique way of expressing herself. He reminded her not to let go of that special ability.

Draconian's heart stirred as she found solace in Yearn's understanding. "You see," she said with a glimmer of hope, "sometimes my words take people on a journey, a tour of dark and thoughts."

Yearn smiled, acknowledging her gift of expressing herself. "Don't let go of that gift," he encouraged her. "For within your words lies the power to touch hearts and ignite souls."

In the tranquil embrace of the night, Yearn gently guided Draconian towards self-discovery. He reminded her that beneath her dark shadows, there existed a radiant light waiting to be unleashed.

Draconian's laughter broke the silence like a soft melody, leaving Yearn captivated by its authenticity. "You do know how to laugh and smile," he affirmed, "and they suit you beautifully."

She smiled in sad, a hint of vulnerability in her eyes. "I wish I could embrace laughter freely," she confessed, "but my past still haunts me."

Yearn reassured her, "It's okay; you're not alone in this journey. Let's break the cycle together and pave a path of new beginnings."

Yearn believed she had the capacity to laugh and smile, but Draconian revealed that she struggled to fit in when she was younger.

Draconian's voice carried the weight of her past as she shared her story with Yearn, cautioning him not to run away after hearing it.

"When I was small," she began, "I yearned to be like my friends. I wanted to understand how they effortlessly laughed and made connections. So, I tried to mirror their laughter, wearing a mask of smiles to ensure they didn't feel my pain. But in doing so, I discovered that they were never truly my friends; they simply distanced themselves from me."

Her voice trembled slightly as she continued, "It was then that my mother left me with a profound piece of wisdom: 'Don't try to be someone else, be yourself. Embrace who you are, and you'll discover the beauty within.' Those words echoed in my heart, guiding me to unveil my true self."

A sense of strength permeated her words as Draconian shared, "I let go of the facade, and in doing so, I lost the word 'friend' from my vocabulary. Yet, surprisingly, I'm not saddened by it."

As she looked into Yearn's eyes, Draconian's vulnerability blended with newfound resilience. She had embraced her uniqueness, understanding that true beauty blossomed when one embraced their authentic self.

Yearn's eyes held a mixture of surprise and concern as Draconian's words filled the air. "I thought you were only dark, but your whole past was dark, and yet you manage to carry it," he observed.

Draconian's response held a haunting truth. "You haven't even scratched the surface of my dark past. This is merely a glimpse, a fleeting journey."

Determination filled Yearn's gaze. "Make me your friend. Let me be the one to put an end to your past's haunting memories."

Her reply carried a sense of entrapment. "Past memories end when people find a future. But I, am trapped between the two."

Yearn's voice held unwavering conviction. "I want to know your past, Draconian. Let me be the one you confide in, my friend"

Her dark stare met his gaze. "Draconian, I'm Draconian," she stated firmly, reminding him of the enigma she was.

His response was unwavering. "I can handle your story, your life."

Draconian's warning carried a shadow of caution. "Don't you think you're delving too deep?"

Yearn's voice was gentle yet resolute. "You're still crazy, but I've seen a softer side of you."

Her laughter echoed, a testament to the complexity of her character. "A soft side? You're pushing me to the edge."

Yearn's words held an unwavering belief. "One day, someone will step into your life and melt away the darkness, making you soft and normal."

Their laughter intertwined, forming a bond that transcended their enigmatic connection.

But amidst the laughter, a sudden shift occurred. Draconian's demeanor changed abruptly, freezing in her place. Yearn's concern turned to alarm as he witnessed her distress. It was as if a force had taken over her, tormenting her from within.

Without hesitation, Yearn offered solace, wrapping his arms around her as she cried. His voice trembled with worry, "What's happening? How can I help you? Please, tell me, I'm here as your friend."

Amidst tears, Draconian's voice quivered. "Can you do anything for me?"

Yearn's response was swift and earnest. "Yes, of course, tell me what you need."

Draconian's plea pierced the air. "I need blood... I'm sorry, but I need it now."

The world seemed to stand still as Yearn felt her sharp teeth sink into his flesh. Shock and disbelief washed over him, leaving him momentarily speechless, his mind struggling to comprehend the surreal scene before him.

She drank his blood, and surprisingly, it made her feel better, but to her bewilderment, she didn't experience any visions during the process. As Yearn blacked out, Draconian allowed him to rest and felt grateful for his blood, which saved her twice now.

Draconian felt an unexplainable connection to Yearn, as she had already bitten his hand, symbolizing a bond in the vampire world. She found herself drawn to him. Throughout the night, she kept a watchful eye on Yearn, a behavior that he found both concerning and intriguing.

Draconian remained vigilant, her eyes never leaving him throughout the night. The moon surrendered to the sun's arrival, and with it, Yearn awakened to find Draconian still there, unwavering in her watchfulness. He couldn't fathom the depth of her dedication.

With Yearn none the wiser, Draconian had bitten his neck again, ensuring his obliviousness to her true identity as a vampire. As he embraced her, she began, "You wanted to know about my past, didn't you?"

His astonishment grew as he encountered this new side of her. "I thought you were a bit crazy, but now you're super psycho! Did you observe me all night?" Yearn inquired.

Smiling mysteriously, Draconian replied, "The night is but a fleeting moment to me."

With an air of vulnerability, she continued, "You've intertwined something profound into my world; a connection I shall cherish forever."

Overwhelmed, Yearn responded, "Likewise, I wish to call you my friend, but you are Draconian after all, and that's okay."

He then revealed, "But you aren't as dark as I once presumed. I'm curious about your past."

In a sudden turn, she fixed him with a dark, intense gaze and declared, "A century of searching, and now, I've found someone I can feel. I won't risk losing that. Don't ask about my past again."

Yearn stood, stunned and bewildered. "But you promised to tell me. It's frustrating how quickly girls change," he commented, seemingly perplexed by her enigmatic nature.

Despite this revelation, they decided to restrain their feelings. However, Yearn noticed the bite on his hand and felt a pull towards his neck, hinting at the connection they now shared.

As Yearn entered his house, he noticed his brother eagerly waiting for him. Curious, his brother asked, "Where were you?"

With a smile, Yearn replied, "I was with a girl."

His young brother couldn't resist teasing him and inquired, "How was she?"

Yearn chuckled, "She was incredibly crazy and seemed like a total psycho."

Amused, his brother exclaimed, "Wow, same here!"

Excitedly, his brother continued, "Mine is just as wild. She actually stabbed my hand with a pen once, and her words are like riddles; I told her I was falling for her, and she replied with, 'If you fall into me, only your death will bring you out.' And, you know, she's an author, so naturally, they have this way of speaking in circles, right?"

Yearn nodded, "Absolutely! Mine is just as mysterious. She watched me sleep all night, and her words are equally perplexing. Oh, and check this out, she even placed a knife on my chest."

Both brothers shared a laugh, realizing they had encountered similarly enigmatic and intriguing girls. Their crazy antics and enigmatic charm had bewitched Yearn and his brother, making them feel drawn to these captivating individuals.

The two brothers exchanged stories, finding comfort in knowing they weren't alone in their bewildering encounters, as they reveled in the captivating allure of these mysterious girls.

Indeed, the young brother was none other than Lavish, who happened to be a fellow student studying in the same classroom as Draconian.

"As they reflected on their encounters with these mysterious girls, Lavish turned to Yearn and remarked, "I think we both have a thing for the same type of girl. Do you actually like her?"

Yearn pondered for a moment before responding, "I'm not entirely sure. She might be crazy and a bit of a psycho, but there's something about her that draws me in. It's like her intensity is strangely attractive to me."

Lavish grinned, agreeing wholeheartedly, "Exactly! Her craziness is what intrigues me the most. There's a unique charm in her enigmatic nature that keeps me captivated."

As they continued sharing their thoughts, it became apparent that both brothers were undeniably enchanted by the enigma that was Draconian. Her aura of mystery, along with her eccentric actions, had left an indelible mark on both of them. They couldn't help but be drawn to her, despite her unpredictable and puzzling behavior.

"And so, Lavish and Yearn found themselves entangled in a shared fascination for this enigmatic girl who had entered their lives unexpectedly."

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