"Veil's first mission succeeded"

"That was the battle

But this is the war"

Draconian proceeded towards her house, the darkness of her soul cloaking her path like a somber embrace. As she approached the doorway, a chilling sight awaited her – her real death brother stood there, an ethereal presence amidst the shadows. His voice echoed hauntingly as he whispered, "I'm with you, you're not alone in this battle."

Draconian's heart quickened, caught in a maelstrom of emotions. Shock and disbelief washed over her as she rubbed her eyes in an attempt to grasp reality. "Is this real?" she wondered, only to find an BIG empty entrance after wiping away the uncertainty. A mix of fear and reassurance enveloped her, a testament to the weight of her restless thoughts.

In the stillness of the dawn, she acknowledged that her past was a battleground where she fought countless internal wars. But now, as darkness and destiny converged, she recognized this was more than just a battle – it was her own war, a personal odyssey shrouded in
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